Mass every Sunday @ 9:30AM
7901 Ste. Claire, Montréal, QC
Corner Honoré Beaugrand
Our Masses are live-streamed every Sunday at 9:30AM.
Our Mission Statement
We, as a Chrstian Community,
Inspired by the Holy Spirit,
Strive to live our Baptismal Promises
By using our time, talent and treasure
To reach out to others
As Jesus did.
Welcome to Saint Aloysius Parish.
Serving Montreal's English-speaking, Catholic community since 1908.
H.O.P.E. has been an integral part of Saint Aloysius Parish since the late sixties. An integral part of H.O.P.E. has been our parishioners with their generousity and willingness to help the less fortunate in our society.
H.O.P.E. has donated hundreds of school bags filled with school supplies to children of less fortunate families. It has served thousands of hot meals to the homeless. The residents of Grace Dart Extended Care Centre have received needed gifts every Christmas and Easter. Hundreds of families receive H.O.P.E. Christmas Baskets along with gifts for the children. These are only some of the projects H.O.P.E. undertakes in the community.
If you or someone you know is in need or you simply want more info, contact us at or call us at 514-351-3281.
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The Lord bless you and keep you. (Numbers 6:24)